Plante M, Mahner S, Sebastianelli A, Bessette P, Lambaudie E, Guyon F, Piek J, Smolders R, Tidy J, Williamson K, Hanker L, Goffin F, Tsibulak I, Eyjolfsdottir B, Gleeson N, Lee J, Ke Y, Kwon J, Ferguson S, Shepherd L, Tu D. "Minimally invasive compared to open surgery in patients with low-risk cervical cancer following simple hysterectomy: An exploratory analysis from the Gynegologic Cancer Intergroup/Canadian Cancer Trials Group CX.5/SHAPE trial." IJGC. 2025 Jan; 35(1):100001. doi: 10.1016/j.ijgc.2024.100001.
Creutzberg CL, Kim JW, Eminowicz G, Allanson E, Eberst L, Kim SI, Nout RA, Park JY, Lorusso D, Mileshkin L, Ottevanger PB, Brand A, Mezzanzanica D, Oza A, Gebski V, Pothuri B, Batley T, Gordon C, Mitra T, White H, Howitt B, Matias-Guiu X, Ray-Coquard I, Gaffney D, Small W Jr, Miller A, Concin N, Powell MA, Stuart G, Bookman MA; participants of the 2023 Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup Endometrial Cancer Consensus Conference on Clinical Research. "Clinical research in endometrial cancer: consensus recommendations from the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup." Lancet Oncol. 2024 Sep;25(9):e420-e431. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(24)00192-X. PMID: 39214113.
Sehouli J, Boer J, Brand AH, Oza AM, O'Donnell J, Bennett K, Glaspool R, Lee CK, Ethier JL, Harter P, Seebacher-Shariat V, Chang TC, Cohen PA, van Gorp T, Chavez-Blanco A, Welch S, Hranovska H, O'Toole S, Lok CAR, Madariaga A, Rauh-Hain JA, Perez Fidalgo A, Tan D, Michels J, Pothuri B, Fujiwara N, Rosengarten O, Nishio H, Kim SI, Mukopadhyay A, Piovano E, Cecere SC, Kohn EC, Mukherjee U, Nasser S, Lindemann K, Croke J, Chen X, Geissler F, Bookman MA. "How to optimize and evaluate diversity in gynecologic cancer clinical trials: statements from the GCIG Barcelona Meeting." Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 Nov 4;34(11):1677-1684. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2024-005982. PMID: 39496422.
Kwon JS, McTaggart-Cowan H, Ferguson SE, Samouëlian V, Lambaudie E, Guyon F, Tidy J, Williamson K, Gleeson N, de Kroon C, van Driel W, Mahner S, Hanker L, Goffin F, Berger R, Eyjólfsdóttir B, Kim JW, Brotto LA, Pataky R, Yeung SST, Chan KKW, Cheung MC, Ubi J, Tu D, Shepherd LE, Plante M. "Cost-effectiveness analysis of simple hysterectomy compared to radical hysterectomy for early cervical cancer: analysis from the GCIG/CCTG CX.5/SHAPE trial." J Gynecol Oncol. 2024 Nov;35(6):e117. doi: 10.3802/jgo.2024.35.e117. Epub 2024 Oct 18. PMID: 39453395; PMCID: PMC11543249.
Ferguson SE, Brotto LA, Kwon J, Samouelian V, Ferron G, Maulard A, Kroon C, Driel WV, Tidy J, Williamson K, Mahner S, Kommoss S, Goffin F, Tamussino K, Eyjolfsdottir B, Kim JW, Gleeson N, Tu D, Shepherd L, Plante M. "Sexual Health and Quality of Life in Patients With Low-Risk Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: Results From GCIG/CCTG CX.5/SHAPE Trial Comparing Simple Versus Radical Hysterectomy". J Clin Oncol. 2024 Oct 1:JCO2400440. doi: 10.1200/JCO.24.00440. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39353164.
Plante M, Kwon JS, Ferguson S, Samouëlian V, Ferron G, Maulard A, de Kroon C, Van Driel W, Tidy J, Williamson K, Mahner S, Kommoss S, Goffin F, Tamussino K, Eyjólfsdóttir B, Kim JW, Gleeson N, Brotto L, Tu D, Shepherd LE; CX.5 SHAPE investigators; CX.5 SHAPE Investigators. "Simple versus Radical Hysterectomy in Women with Low-Risk Cervical Cancer". N Engl J Med. 2024 Feb 29;390(9):819-829. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2308900. PMID: 38416430.
Nohová I, Andrews J, Votan B, Miller A, Sehouli J, Berger R. "Patient involvement in research within the Gynecological Cancer InterGroup: A call to action for a systematic approach: Results from a survey.", Health Sci Rep. 2023 Dec 1;6(12):e1735. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.1735. PMID: 38045625; PMCID: PMC10691166.
Phan NTH, Tran QT, Nguyen NPT, Nguyen HT, Tran LDN, Pham VC, Bennett K, Chavez-Blanco A, Plante M, Suh DH, Nout R, Tan DSP. "Closing the gap for cervical cancer research in Vietnam: current perspectives and future opportunities: a report from the 5th Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) Cervical Cancer Research Network (CCRN) Education Symposium." J Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Sep;34(5):e88. doi: 10.3802/jgo.2023.34.e88. Erratum in: J Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Nov;34(6):e89. doi: 10.3802/jgo.2023.34.e89. PMID: 37668081; PMCID: PMC10482579.
X. Xu, Rao, H., Fan, X., Pang, X., Wang, Y., Zhao, L., Xing, J., Lv, X., Wang, T., Tao, J., Zhang, X., Qian, J., and Lou, H., “HPV‐related cervical diseases: Alteration of vaginal microbiotas and promising potential for diagnosis”, Journal of Medical Virology, vol. 95, no. 1, 2023.
N. Colombo, Gadducci, A., Sehouli, J., Rulli, E., Mäenpää, J., Sessa, C., Montes, A., Ottevanger, N. B., Berger, R., Vergote, I., D'Incalci, M., C Galaz, C., Chekerov, R., Nyvang, G. B., Riniker, S., Herbertson, R., Fossati, R., Barretina-Ginesta, M. P., Deryal, M., Mirza, M. R., Biagioli, E., Iglesias, M., Funari, G., Romeo, M., Tasca, G., Pardo, B., Tognon, G., Rubio-Pérez, M. J., DeCensi, A., De Giorgi, U., Zola, P., P Panici, B., Aglietta, M., Arcangeli, V., Zamagni, C., Bologna, A., Westermann, A., Heinzelmann-Schwarz, V., Tsibulak, I., Wimberger, P., and Poveda, A., “INOVATYON/ ENGOT-ov5 study: Randomized phase III international study comparing trabectedin/ PLD followed by platinum at progression vs carboplatin/PLD in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer progressing within 6-12 months after last platinum line”, Br J Cancer, vol. 128, no. 8, pp. 1503-1513, 2023.
S. Nagao, Fujiwara, K., Yamamoto, K., Tanabe, H., Okamoto, A., Takehara, K., Saito, M., Fujiwara, H., Tan, D. S. P., Yamaguchi, S., Adachi, S., Kikuchi, A., Hirasawa, T., Yokoi, T., Nagai, T., Sato, T., Kamiura, S., Fujishita, A., Loong, W. Wai, Chan, K., Syks, P., Olawaye, A., Ryu, S. - Y., Shigeta, H., Kondo, E., Yokoyama, Y., Matsumoto, T., Hasegawa, K., and Enomoto, T., “Intraperitoneal Carboplatin for Ovarian Cancer — A Phase 2/3 Trial”, NEJM Evidence, vol. 2, no. 5, 2023.
J. Pfisterer, Joly, F., Kristensen, G., Rau, J., Mahner, S., Pautier, P., El-Balat, A., Kurtz, J. - E., Canzler, U., Sehouli, J., Heubner, M. L., Hartkopf, A. D., Baumann, K., Hasenburg, A., Hanker, L. C., Belau, A., Schmalfeldt, B., Denschlag, D., Park-Simon, T. - W., Selle, F., Jackisch, C., Burges, A., Lück, H. - J., Emons, G., Meier, W., Gropp-Meier, M., Schröder, W., de Gregorio, N., Hilpert, F., and Harter, P., “Optimal Treatment Duration of Bevacizumab as Front-Line Therapy for Advanced Ovarian Cancer: AGO-OVAR 17 BOOST/GINECO OV118/ENGOT Ov-15 Open-Label Randomized Phase III Trial.”, J Clin Oncol, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 893-902, 2023.
I. Vergote, González-Martín, A., Lorusso, D., Gourley, C., Mirza, M. Raza, Kurtz, J. - E., Okamoto, A., Moore, K., Kridelka, F., McNeish, I., Reuss, A., Votan, B., Bois, Adu, Mahner, S., Ray-Coquard, I., Kohn, E. C., Berek, J. S., Tan, D. S. P., Colombo, N., Zang, R., Concin, N., O'Donnell, D., Rauh-Hain, A., C Herrington, S., Marth, C., Poveda, A., Fujiwara, K., Stuart, G. C. E., Oza, A. M., Bookman, M. A., Mahner, S., Reuss, A., Bois, Adu, Grimm, C., Marth, C., Berger, R., Concin, N., Chang, T. - C., Ochiai, K., Gebski, V., Davis, A., Beale, P., Vergote, I., Kridelka, F., Denys, H., Vandecaveye, V., Reis, F. Jose Canci, Diz, M. Del Pilar, Stuart, G., MacKay, H., Carey, M., Cibula, D., path), P. Dundr (, Dorigo, O., Berek, J., O'Donnell, D., Saadeh, A., Boere, I., Lok, C., Coronado, P., Ottevanger, N., Tan, D. S. P., Ng, J., Martín, A. González, Oaknin, A., Poveda, A., Fidalgo, A. Perez, Rauh-Hain, A., Lu, K., López-Zavala, C., Gómez-García, E. María, Ray-Coquard, I., Paoletti, X., Kurtz, J. - E., Joly, F., Votan, B., Bookman, M., Moore, K., Arend, R., Fujiwara, K., Fujiwara, H., Hasegawa, K., Bruchim, I., Tsoref, D., Oda, K., Okamoto, A., Enomoto, T., Michel, D., Kim, H. - S., Lee, J. - Y., Mukhopadhyay, A., Katsaros, D., Colombo, N., Pignata, S., Lorusso, D., Scambia, G., Kohn, E., Lee, J. - M., McNeish, I., Nicum, S., Farrelly, L., Sehouli, J., Keller, M., Braicu, E., Bjørge, L., Mirza, M. Raza, Auranen, A., Welch, S., Oza, A. M., Heinzelmann, V., Gourley, C., Roxburgh, P., C Herrington, S., Glasspool, R., Zang, R., and Zhu, J., “Clinical research in ovarian cancer: consensus recommendations from the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup”, The Lancet Oncology, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. e374 - e384, 2022.
P. Zola, Ciccone, G., Piovano, E., Fuso, L., Di Cuonzo, D., Castiglione, A., Pagano, E., Peirano, E., Landoni, F., Sartori, E., Narducci, F., Bertetto, O., and Ferrero, A., “Effectiveness of Intensive Versus Minimalist Follow-Up Regimen on Survival in Patients With Endometrial Cancer (TOTEM Study): A Randomized, Pragmatic, Parallel Group, Multicenter Trial.”, J Clin Oncol, vol. 40, no. 33, pp. 3817-3827, 2022.
D. M. Gershenson, Miller, A., Brady, W. E., Paul, J., Carty, K., Rodgers, W., Millan, D., Coleman, R. L., Moore, K. N., Banerjee, S., Connolly, K., Secord, A. Alvarez, O'Malley, D. M., Dorigo, O., Gaillard, S., Gabra, H., Slomovitz, B., Hanjani, P., Farley, J., Churchman, M., Ewing, A., Hollis, R. L., C Herrington, S., Huang, H. Q., Wenzel, L., and Gourley, C., “Trametinib versus standard of care in patients with recurrent low-grade serous ovarian cancer (GOG 281/LOGS): an international, randomised, open-label, multicentre, phase 2/3 trial.”, Lancet, vol. 399, no. 10324, pp. 541-553, 2022.
M. McCormack, Gaffney, D., Tan, D., Bennet, K., Chávez-Blanco, A., and Plante, M., “The Cervical Cancer Research Network (Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup) roadmap to expand research in low- and middle-income countries.”, Int J Gynecol Cancer, 2021.
L. M. Burt, McCormak, M., Lecuru, F., Kanyike, D. M., Bvochora-Nsingo, M., Ndlovu, N., Scott, A. A., Anorlu, R. I., Sharma, V., Plante, M., Nyongesa, C., Tigeneh, W., Fakie, N., Suneja, G., and Gaffney, D. K., “Cervix Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Assessment of Cervical Cancer Management.”, JCO Glob Oncol, vol. 7, pp. 173-182, 2021.
K. M. Schmeler, Pareja, R., Blanco, A. Lopez, Fregnani, J. Humberto, Lopes, A., Perrotta, M., Tsunoda, A. T., Cantú-de-León, D. F., Ramondetta, L. M., Manchana, T., Crotzer, D. R., McNally, O. M., Riege, M., Scambia, G., Carvajal, J. Manuel, Di Guilmi, J., Rendon, G. J., Ramalingam, P., Fellman, B. M., Coleman, R. L., Frumovitz, M., and Ramirez, P. T., “ConCerv: a prospective trial of conservative surgery for low-risk early-stage cervical cancer.”, Int J Gynecol Cancer, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1317-1325, 2021.
C. Callens, Vaur, D., Soubeyran, I., Rouleau, E., Just, P. - A., Guillerm, E., Golmard, L., Goardon, N., Sevenet, N., Cabaret, O., Harter, P., González-Martín, A., Fujiwara, K., Cecere, S. Chiara, Colombo, N., Marth, C., Vergote, I., Maenpaa, J., Pujade-Lauraine, E., and Ray-Coquard, I., “Concordance Between Tumor and Germline BRCA Status in High-Grade Ovarian Carcinoma Patients in the Phase III PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 Trial.”, J Natl Cancer Inst, vol. 113, no. 7, pp. 917-923, 2021.
C. Falandry, Rousseau, F., Mouret-Reynier, M. - A., Tinquaut, F., Lorusso, D., Herrstedt, J., Savoye, A. - M., Stefani, L., Bourbouloux, E., Sverdlin, R., D’Hondt, V., Lortholary, A., Brachet, P. - E., Zannetti, A., Malaurie, E., Venat-Bouvet, L., Trédan, O., Mourey, L., Pujade-Lauraine, E., and Freyer, G., “Efficacy and Safety of First-line Single-Agent Carboplatin vs Carboplatin Plus Paclitaxel for Vulnerable Older Adult Women With Ovarian Cancer”, JAMA Oncology, vol. 7, no. 6, p. 853, 2021.
J. - E. Kurtz, Gebski, V., Sukhin, V., Carey, M., Kong, I., Glasspool, R. M., Berek, J. S., Batista, Mde Paiva, Hall, M., Kim, J. - W., Yeoshoua, E., Fujiwara, N., Nam, B. - H., Polleis, S., Lee, J. - Y., Strojna, A., Farrelly, L., Schwameis, R., Fossati, R., Darlington, A. - S., Lai, C. - H., Wright, A. A., Rosenblat, O., Harter, P., Roxburgh, P., Chowdhury, R. Roy, Chang, T. - C., Paoletti, X., and Friedlander, M., “Incorporating patient centered benefits as endpoints in randomized trials of maintenance therapies in advanced ovarian cancer: A position paper from the GCIG symptom benefit committee.”, Gynecol Oncol, 2021.
K. Fujiwara, Fujiwara, H., Yoshida, H., Satoh, T., Yonemori, K., Nagao, S., Matsumoto, T., Kobayashi, H., Bourgeois, H., Harter, P., Mosconi, A. Maria, Vazquez, I. Palacio, Reinthaller, A., Fujita, T., Rowe, P., Pujade-Lauraine, E., and Ray-Coquard, I., "Olaparib plus bevacizumab as maintenance therapy in patients with newly diagnosed, advanced ovarian cancer: Japan subset from the PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 trial", Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, vol. 32, no. 5, 2021.
A. Poveda, Floquet, A., Ledermann, J. A., Asher, R., Penson, R. T., Oza, A. M., Korach, J., Huzarski, T., Pignata, S., Friedlander, M., Baldoni, A., Park-Simon, T. - W., Tamura, K., Sonke, G. S., Lisyanskaya, A., Kim, J. - H., Filho, E. Abdo, Milenkova, T., Lowe, E. S., Rowe, P., Vergote, I., Pujade-Lauraine, E., Korach, J., Huzarski, T., Byrski, T., Pautier, P., Friedlander, M., Harter, P., Colombo, N., Pignata, S., Scambia, G., Nicoletto, M., Nussey, F., Clamp, A., Penson, R., Oza, A., Velasco, A. Poveda, Rodrigues, M., Lotz, J. - P., Selle, F., Ray-Coquard, I., Provencher, D., Aparicio, A. Prat, Boixader, L. Vidal, Scott, C., Tamura, K., Yunokawa, M., Lisyanskaya, A., Medioni, J., Pécuchet, N., Dubot, C., Rouge, Tde la Mott, Kaminsky, M. - C., Weber, B., Lortholary, A., Parkinson, C., Ledermann, J., Williams, S., Banerjee, S., Cosin, J., Hoffman, J., Penson, R., Plante, M., Covens, A., Sonke, G., Joly, F., Floquet, A., Banerjee, S., Hirte, H., Amit, A., Park-Simon, T. - W., Matsumoto, K., Tjulandin, S., Kim, J. Hoon, Gladieff, L., Sabbatini, R., O'Malley, D., Timmins, P., Kredentser, D., Milagro, N. Laínez, Ginesta, M. Pilar Barr, Martorell, A. Tibau, Lista, A. Gómez De, González, B. Ojeda, Mileshkin, L., Mandai, M., Boere, I., Ottevanger, P., Nam, J. - H., Filho, E., Hamizi, S., Cognetti, F., Warshal, D., Dickson-Michelson, E., Kamelle, S., McKenzie, N., Rodriguez, G., Armstrong, D., Chalas, E., Celano, P., Behbakht, K., Davidson, S., Welch, S., Helpman, L., Fishman, A., Bruchim, I., Sikorska, M., Słowińska, A., Rogowski, W., Bidziński, M., Śpiewankiewicz, B., Herraez, A. Casado, Fernández, C. Mendiola, Gropp-Meier, M., Saito, T., Takehara, K., Enomoto, T., Watari, H., Choi, C. Hun, Kim, B. - G., Kim, J. Weon, Hegg, R., and Vergote, I., “Olaparib tablets as maintenance therapy in patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer and a BRCA1/2 mutation (SOLO2/ENGOT-Ov21): a final analysis of a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial”, The Lancet Oncology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 620 - 631, 2021.
S. N. Banerjee, Tang, M., O'Connell, R. L., Sjoquist, K., Clamp, A. R., Millan, D., Nottley, S., Lord, R., Mullassery, V. Menon, Hall, M., Gourley, C., Bonaventura, T., Goh, J. C., Sykes, P., Grant, P. T., McNally, O., Alexander, L., Kelly, C., Carty, K., Divers, L., Bradshaw, N., Edmondson, R. J., and Friedlander, M., “A phase 2 study of anastrozole in patients with oestrogen receptor and/progesterone receptor positive recurrent/metastatic granulosa cell tumours/sex-cord stromal tumours of the ovary: The PARAGON/ANZGOG 0903 trial.”, Gynecol Oncol, vol. 163, no. 1, pp. 72-78, 2021.
A. Tjokrowidjaja, Friedlander, M., Lord, S. J., Asher, R., Rodrigues, M., Ledermann, J. A., Matulonis, U. A., Oza, A. M., Bruchim, I., Huzarski, T., Gourley, C., Harter, P., Vergote, I., Scott, C. L., Meier, W., Shapira-Frommer, R., Milenkova, T., Pujade-Lauraine, E., Gebski, V., and Lee, C. K., “Prognostic nomogram for progression-free survival in patients with BRCA mutations and platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer on maintenance olaparib therapy following response to chemotherapy”, European Journal of Cancer, vol. 154, pp. 190 - 200, 2021.
P. Harter, Sehouli, J., Vergote, I., Ferron, G., Reuss, A., Meier, W., Greggi, S., Mosgaard, B. J., Selle, F., Guyon, F., Pomel, C., Lecuru, F., Zang, R., Avall-Lundqvist, E., Kim, J. - W., Ponce, J., Raspagliesi, F., Kristensen, G., Classe, J. - M., Hillemanns, P., Jensen, P., Hasenburg, A., Ghaem-Maghami, S., Mirza, M. R., Lund, B., Reinthaller, A., Santaballa, A., Olaitan, A., Hilpert, F., and Bois, Adu, “Randomized Trial of Cytoreductive Surgery for Relapsed Ovarian Cancer”, New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 385, no. 23, pp. 2123 - 2131, 2021.
P. Harter, Pautier, P., Van Nieuwenhuysen, E., Reuss, A., Redondo, A., Lindemann, K., Kurzeder, C., Petru, E., Heitz, F., Sehouli, J., Degregorio, N., Wimberger, P., Burges, A., Cron, N., Ledermann, J., Lorusso, D., Paoletti, X., and Marme, F., Atezolizumab in combination with bevacizumab and chemotherapy versus bevacizumab and chemotherapy in recurrent ovarian cancer - a randomized phase III trial (AGO-OVAR 2.29/ENGOT-ov34). Int J Gynecol Cancer, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1997-2001, 2020.PubMed
J. Pfisterer, Shannon, C. M., Baumann, K., Rau, J., Harter, P., Joly, F., Sehouli, J., Canzler, U., Schmalfeldt, B., Dean, A. P., Hein, A., Zeimet, A. G., Hanker, L. C., Petit, T., Marme, F., El-Balat, A., Glasspool, R., de Gregorio, N., Mahner, S., Meniawy, T. M., Park-Simon, T. - W., Mouret-Reynier, M. - A., Costan, C., Meier, W., Reinthaller, A., Goh, J. C., L'Haridon, T., Hay, S. Baron, Kommoss, S., Bois, Adu, and Kurtz, J. - E., Bevacizumab and platinum-based combinations for recurrent ovarian cancer: a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial, Lancet Oncol, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 699-709, 2020.PubMed
A. Tjokrowidjaja, Lee, C. K., Friedlander, M., Gebski, V., Gladieff, L., Ledermann, J., Penson, R., Oza, A., Korach, J., Huzarski, T., Manso, L., Pisano, C., Asher, R., Lord, S. J., Kim, S. Ik, Lee, J. - Y., Colombo, N., Park-Simon, T. - W., Fujiwara, K., Sonke, G., Vergote, I., Kim, J. - W., and Pujade-Lauraine, E., Concordance between CA-125 and RECIST progression in patients with germline BRCA-mutated platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer treated in the SOLO2 trial with olaparib as maintenance therapy after response to chemotherapy, European Journal of Cancer, vol. 139, pp. 59 - 67, 2020.DOI
I. Ray-Coquard, Harter, P., Lorusso, D., Dalban, C., Vergote, I., Fujiwara, K., Gladieff, L., Lack, H. - J., Floquet, A., Chevalier-Place, A., Schnelzer, A., Pignata, S., Selle, F., Sehouli, J., Brocard, F., Mangili, G., Pautier, P., De Giorgi, U., Provansal, M., and Heudel, P. - E., Effect of Weekly Paclitaxel With or Without Bevacizumab on Progression-Free Rate Among Patients With Relapsed Ovarian Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors, JAMA Oncology, vol. 6, no. 12, p. 1923, 2020.DOI
W. Small, Peltecu, G., Puiu, A., Corha, A., Cocráă, E., Cigăran, R. Gabriela, Plante, M., Jhingran, A., Stang, K., Gaffney, D., Bacon, M., and McCormack, M., Cervical cancer in Eastern Europe: review and proceedings from the Cervical Cancer Research Conference., Int J Gynecol Cancer, 2020.PubMed
I. Rohr, Alavi, S., Richter, R., Keller, M., Chekerov, R., Oskay-Özcelik, G., Heinrich, M., Taskiran, C., Joly, F., Berger, R., Bois, Adu, Gornjec, A., Vergote, I., Achimas-Cadariu, P., Lorusso, D., Maenpaa, J., and Sehouli, J., Expectations and preferences of patients with primary and relapsed ovarian cancer to maintenance therapy: A NOGGO/ENGOT-ov22 and GCIG survey (Expression IV)., Int J Gynecol Cancer, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 509-514, 2020.PubMed
F. Falcone, Maggiore, U. Leone Robe, Di Donato, V., Perrone, A. Myriam, Frigerio, L., Bifulco, G., Polterauer, S., Casadio, P., Cormio, G., Masciullo, V., Malzoni, M., and Greggi, S., Fertility-sparing treatment for intramucous, moderately differentiated, endometrioid endometrial cancer: a Gynecologic Cancer Inter-Group (GCIG) study, Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, vol. 31, 2020.DOI
X. Paoletti, Lewsley, L. - A., Daniele, G., Cook, A., Yanaihara, N., Tinker, A., Kristensen, G., Ottevanger, P. B., Aravantinos, G., Miller, A., Boere, I. A., Fruscio, R., Reyners, A. K. L., Pujade-Lauraine, E., Harkin, A., Pignata, S., Kagimura, T., Welch, S., Paul, J., Karamouza, E., and Glasspool, R. M., Assessment of Progression-Free Survival as a Surrogate End Point of Overall Survival in First-Line Treatment of Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA Netw Open, vol. 3, no. 1, p. e1918939, 2020.PubMed
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